Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Year 4 - 8 Swimming Sports

After a false start on Monday (cold weather) yesterday came out a stunner. The pool was glistening, the sun was shining, parents were arriving and everyone was excited! 

Splash! They were away. Zone races, with a break of kickboard lengths in between. The competition was fierce, regardless and it was amazing to see the determination of so many children to get to the end. 

The length races (not for zones) was as exciting and the Year 4's couldn't wait to get into the water. Parents cheered and clapped and everyone was able to complete their race well. Kai pai everyone!

Finally the width races. These are our non-competitive/give-it-a-go races. But clearly a couple of Year 5 girls had missed that memo and were determined to be the winners of the non-competitive race. Good on ya girls! Maybe we'll see these lovelies in the length races next year.


  1. It was great to have some sunny summer weather. It was fantastic to see the level of commitment of students when it came to putting in their personal best. Swimming is such an important skill and a great way to stay fit and healthy. Brillant afternoon!


  2. Hi my name is Sadiyah and i am a student at room 19 at Owairaka school i really like how your were practising and making the big splash in the water and moving your hands i bet you were having fun and enjoy in the water was the water could when you firstly went in it ?
    You can see my blog just right now :)
    Sadiyah @ Owairaka District School
    Blog you later .

  3. Kia Ora Rimu Class, Phoenix here from Owairaka School in Room 19 ( Year 6 )
    What a stunning blog you have keep it up.
    I like your blog because you describe what's in the image and what's going on , I also like how you put some images in the post so we understand what's going on. Who won?
    Please check out my Blog at
    Blog ya later:)
    From Phoenix.

  4. Hi there my name is shontayne and i am a student in room 2 at kawakawaprimary school i really like the was you were doing your back stroke you must practice allot to get that good it made me think of me doing it on my third go i am a year 5 but for year 4 and 8 you guys make swimming look easy by shontayne

  5. Hi rimu class
    Its Tunisia from room 2 at kawakawa primary school
    It looks like you all are Olympic races
    I beat you were all tired when you finish
    this post cool

  6. Hi there, my name is kailah and I am a student in room2 at kawakawa Primary School. I really like your swimming . It made me think of having a swimming . Have you thought about adding some more photos . If you would like to see my learning, my blog is
    Kailah's Blog

  7. Hi there Hi my name is Ahmed and I am a student at room 19 at Owairaka school i really like how your were practising and making the big splash to the water I think you were having fun in the water if you want to check my blog out it is Blog you later!!!

  8. Hi there, my name is Payton and I am a student in room 2-at kawakawa primary School. I really like your swimming photos. It made me think of me winning in one of my swimming sports. Have you thought about recording some of it. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi my name is Dion I am from St Bernadette's school. I really liked how you guys practiced I really thought it was fun. I liked that lots of people gave it a go.

  11. Hi my name tahlya and im in room 2 at kawakawa primary and i really like you're that you had swimming day at you school have you thought about making a video if you would like to see my learning

  12. Hi my name is Ephraim and i am from south hornby school. I really like how you were practicing your swimming. It remind of me when i was swimming. But now they took our swimming pool down because we are moving school.

  13. Hello Rimu class, My name is Connie from South Hornby School and I like how you used WOW words In your writing. I love swimming and getting in water. Mabey next time you could change the or word. If you want to see my learning go to this link

    1. I ment Maybe next time you could change the color of the word. not Mabey next time you could change the or word

  14. Hi Rimu class my name is Nici from South Hornby School
    I really Like how you have pitchers of kids swimming it is really cool. Maybe next time you could have what type of swimming move they are doing in each photo. How long and deep is your pool? Love to hear Back.
    Please cheek out my blog
    Blog you Later


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